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Produced by GOLIN Agency

McDonalds Sprite & TisaKorean Collaboration

McDonald’s teamed up with rapper and producer Tisakorean to create an original beat celebrating the Sprite dispensed by the chain’s fountain machines. “Static,” which dropped Aug. 30 on Instagram and TikTok, is meant to reflect what

over a thousand consumers on social media say McDonald’s Sprite tastes like — static.


Client: McDonald's

SWAT (Student Working Against Tobacco)  Rebranding

SWAT is Florida’s statewide youth organization working to mobilize, educate and equip

Florida youth to revolt against and de-glamorize

Big Tobacco. SWAT is a united movement

of empowered youth working towards a

tobacco free future.


Client: Students working Against Tobacco


Create homestyle Tiktok videos relatable to the youth but also showing information and tips on how to avoid contracting COVID-19. Social media posts to be featured on the TikTok app.


Client: Florida Department of Health

LinkedIn Funny Business 

LinkedIn partnered with someone who knows a little about humor in the office – Mindy Kaling

to launch our new funny reaction. 


Client: Linkdln


THE FACTS NOW is a campaign in the Sunshine State. We expose Big Tobacco’s lies and give the facts about tobacco, tying into what’s happening now.


Client: Tobacco Free Florida

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